Police Checks (Ancaster Girls Hockey)

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All bench staff and parent volunteers who have contact with the players must have successfully completed the Respect In Sports (Prevention Services "Speak Out") program and have obtained a Vulnerable Sector Search (Police Check).

In addition, coaches and trainers must have their applicable NCCP or HTCP certification and have submitted this information to the AAGHA Registrar.

AAGHA Bylaws currently provide as follows:

1) All Board of Directors members, coaches (Head and Assistant), trainers and team managers will be required to complete Police Checks and submit same, in confidence, to the President of the Association or his/her designate within two months of the first ice time of the current season. To be valid the Police Check must be dated no earlier than three years prior to the first ice time of the season.

2) Police Checks will be accepted for any individual from any other volunteer organization (eg. Soccer, baseball, etc.), provided that they are dated no earlier than three years prior to the first ice time of the season. [A form letter template to request Police Checks at your local police service office may be requested from the AAGHA Registrar].

3) The Board of Directors reserves the right to request additional Police Checks solely at their discretion.

4) Respect In Sports training is mandatory for all Board of Directors members, coaches (Head and Assistant), managers and trainers and must be completed within two months of either election to the Board of Directors or the first ice time of the season.

These requirements are in place for the safety and benefit of our kids and your cooperation in getting this information submitted to the Association Registrar as soon as possible is greatly appreciated.

To complete a Vulnerable Sector Check online, click here. You will see an instructional video at the top and links to "Register for your Police Background Check" or sign up for an account. You will need to select the $25.00 "Volunteer" option when you are given the opportunity. Read more about the Vulnerable Sector Check online here.